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Welcome to apply to the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation for a grant

The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation accepts grant applications every day of the year. There are no separate application times.

Decisions to award grants are made by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, which meets four times a year in March, May, September and December. The exact dates are not made public. The number of applications considered at these meetings varies and the Foundation can give no guarantee that an application will be considered in any particular meeting. Average processing time for applications is 4-6 months. The Foundation does not provide interim information when processing applications.

With regard to applications in the fields of science, the main focus in the meetings of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees in March and September is on the assessment of applications in medicine, whereas the focus in May and December meetings is on fields of technology. The applications of culture, arts or other fields are processed in every meeting.

Applicants will receive information about the decision soon after the meeting in which their application was considered. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by email and successful applicants will receive an award letter by post. Grants awarded are also published on the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation website, after which the decision to award the grant is public and the grantee may freely disclose the information to their own target groups.

Use personal banking codes to log in to the online service. The same login method must be used when submitting an application as when logging in for the first time. NB! Applicants living or working elsewhere than in Finland who do not have Finnish online banking codes can log in to the service by creating user IDs.

Read the Foundation’s general application instructions carefully before completing the grant application.

In the event of technical issues, you can contact technical support by email to

Read about the data protection description

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